

Happy blue bird

A poor family lived in a small house in the forest. They had a hardworking father, a kind mother, and two brothers. Tomorrow was Christmas Eve. The wealthy family next door was preparing for a lavish party. "Delicious food and a stylish Christmas tree! There are presents too!" "That's nice, I'm jealous." Then, they heard someone knocking on the door. They opened the door and an old woman dressed in black came in. "Is there a blue bird in this house?" "No! We have a pigeon!" "Oh, my daughter is sick and wants a blue bird. A blue bird is a bird of happiness. If we had that bird, everyone would be happy. Can you two go look for a blue bird?" The first country they went to was the "Land of Memories." They ran off, saying, "Oh! Grandma!" "I thought Grandma died?" "Yes, I died, but every time someone remembers me, I come back to life." Grandma happily told them the story. "Grandma, we are looking for a blue bird." "The blue bird is over there." "Give us the blue bird!" "Yes, yes, take it." The two put the blue bird in a cage and took it home with them. However, when they left the "Land of Memories," the canary turned into a black bird and died. Things from the Land of Memories cannot live anywhere else. As they trudged along, four doors appeared. The first door was the ghost door. When they opened it, many ghosts appeared, so they hurriedly closed the door. The second door was the disease door. There were many germs in the disease door, and they came towards them, so they hurriedly ran away. The third door was the war door. They gave up on opening the war door, because there can't be any happiness in war. The fourth door was the dream door. When they opened the dream door, countless blue birds were flying around the room. "Big brother! It's a blue bird!" "There are so many blue birds! Come on! Let's catch them!" "A blue bird for a sick child. A blue bird for Mom and Dad. A blue bird for me and my brother." The cage was full of blue birds. But when they left the door of the dream, all the blue birds died. The blue birds in the dream can only live in the dream. No matter how beautiful a dream is, it disappears when you wake up. As they walked along dejectedly, cute children came along, singing along to cheerful and happy music. "Hello! It's been a while!" "Do you know us?" "Well, we're always together! We're always together, even when we're eating and reading books!" "We are the happiness and joy of being in your house." "I am the happiness of being healthy." "I am the joy of loving to study." "I am the joy of being able to sing." "I am the happiness of being able to dance." "I am the joy of being able to help." "I am the joy of being kind." There were so many joys and happiness that they were too numerous to count. Then "Mother's Joy" came. The two of them stared at their mother. "What's wrong, you two?" "Your mother is so beautiful." "All mothers who love their children are beautiful." "Mom, we're looking for the bluebird of happiness. Is there no bluebird here?" "Everyone is happy here, so we don't need a bluebird." Next, the two went to a country in the future. It is a country where babies are not yet born. There are many babies, some of whom will be born tomorrow, and some who will not be born until 100 or 200 years from now. Each baby had something they were good at. Then, an old man with a clock said, "Come on! Children who will be born at 8 o'clock, line up!" Let's go! Boom! Boom! The clock struck 8 o'clock. Mom came into the room. "Both of you! It's morning! Wake up!" "Oh! Mom!" "It's Mom! A beautiful mom!" "We met Grandma in the country of our memories." "Well, we're both sleepy." Then, the pigeons in the room started cooing. "Oh! Big Brother! It's the bluebird!" "You're right! It's the bluebird! I wonder why I never noticed that before... The bluebird of happiness has been with us all along."

