

Three little pigs

Once upon a time, there were three little pigs. The one wearing red clothes was the biggest brother, Big Pig. The one wearing yellow clothes was the second oldest brother, Middle Pig. The one wearing blue clothes was the youngest, Little Pig. One day, the three of them decided to build their own houses. Big Pig decided to build a house out of straw. He tied the straw tightly and it was done in no time. Middle Pig decided to build a house out of wood. He set up wooden pillars, lined up the pieces and knocked them down. It was done in no time. Little Pig decided to build a house out of bricks. "I'm not going to build a house out of straw or wood, but one that's hard and sturdy!" He carried and stacked bricks, stomp on them. It took a while, but it was finally done. The three pigs were happy to have their own houses. Then a bad wolf found their house and said to them: "Big pig, big pig, let me in your house!" The big pig was surprised and replied, "No way! Definitely not!" The wolf then said, "All right! I'll blow this house away with my amazing breath!" The wolf puffed out his cheeks and blew, and the straw house was blown to pieces. The wolf then went to the middle pig and said, "Middle pig, middle pig, let me in your house!" The middle pig was surprised and replied, "No way! Definitely not!" The wolf then said, "In that case, I'll blow this house away again!" The wolf puffed out his cheeks and blew, but the house didn't budge. "I have no choice, I'll ram into it and destroy it!" The wolf slammed down with force! When the wolf hit the wooden house, it broke into pieces. The big pig and the middle pig ran into the little pig's house. When the wolf came, he said, "Hey, hey, let me in your house." The little pig replied, "No way! I absolutely don't want to!" The wolf said, "Well, I'll just smash it again!" and crashed into it with all his might. But the sturdy brick house didn't budge. The wolf said, "Well, I'll just get in through the chimney on the roof and eat everyone at once!" Hearing this, the little pig put a big pot under the chimney and started boiling water. The water started to bubble up and quickly became very hot. The wolf came down the chimney and fell into the hot water with a splash! "Ouch! It's hot! Help me!" Then Little Pig asked, "Will you come home and stop eating us?" "No! I won't! I promise!" "Okay, I promise." After the wolf was taken out of the pot, he ran towards the mountain and escaped in a panic. After that, the three of them lived happily together in their brick house.



Urashima Taro

Once upon a time, there was a kind-hearted young man named Urashima Taro. As Urashima Taro was walking along the beach, some children were tormenting a turtle. "Hey, hey, don't you feel sorry for the turtle? Let him go," Urashima Taro said, and saved the turtle from the children's bullying. A little while later, while Urashima Taro was fishing as usual, a turtle appeared in the sea and spoke to him. "Urashima Taro, I am the turtle you saved. Princess Otohime told me to take you to the Dragon Palace, so I came to pick you up." "Are you going to take me to the Dragon Palace? Let's go for a little while." Urashima Taro climbed onto the turtle's shell and went into the sea. There were many colorful and beautiful corals in the sea. Bright fish and sea creatures were swimming comfortably in the light blue of the sea. "Wow, it's so beautiful." As Urashima Taro was entranced, a large Dragon Palace in the sea came into view. "We have arrived. This is Ryugu-jo Castle. Please come this way." "Welcome to Ryugu-jo Castle. Thank you for helping the turtle the other day. As a token of my gratitude, I will show you around Ryugu-jo Castle. Please make yourself at home." Urashima Taro was led to a large room and sat down, and one after another, delicious food that he had never seen before was brought to him. Beautiful music was playing, and the creatures in the sea were dancing happily, and it felt like heaven. After a while, he remembered his village and his family, and said, "It's about time to go home, my family and the village are waiting for me." "I wish you would stay here forever, but I guess there's no other way. I'll prepare a souvenir for you then." Princess Otohime prepared a treasure box as a souvenir and said, "Inside this box is the time that Urashima spent in Ryugu-jo Castle." As long as you keep this box, Urashima will not age. You will remain young forever. However, if you open it, time will go back, so you must never open it." Urashima Taro got on the turtle and returned to the village. However, the village had completely changed, and there was no one he knew, or his family. "Excuse me. Is there a house named Urashima around here?" "Urashima? Ah, it seems that someone named Urashima left 100 years ago and never came back." "What?! A few days in Ryugu-jo is equivalent to 100 years in this world... My family and everyone I know is dead..." Urashima Taro was stunned, and then he remembered the treasure box that Princess Otohime had given him. "Now that I think about it, Princess Otohime said that if I open this treasure box, time will go back. Maybe if I open it, I will go back to the time when I was living." With that in mind, Urashima Taro opened the treasure box that he was told not to open. Then a lot of smoke came out of the treasure box. Memories of Ryugu-jo were projected, and when the smoke cleared, Urashima Taro became a feeble old man with completely white hair and beard.






Once upon a time, there lived an old man and an old woman. The old man went to the mountain, and the old woman went to the river to do her laundry. While the old woman was washing clothes in the river, a big peach floated down the river. "What a big peach! Let's take it home!" The old woman took the big peach home, and when she tried to cut it, a baby came out of the peach. The two were surprised, but very happy, and decided to raise the baby with care. "What should we name him?" "Since he was born from a peach, how about Momotaro?" "That's a good name! Let's do that!" Momotaro grew up in no time and became a fine and kind boy. One day, Momotaro said, "I heard that there is a bad demon on Onigashima." The old man replied, "Sometimes he comes to the village and does bad things, so everyone is in trouble." Momotaro then said, "Then I'll go and get rid of him! Mom, please make some millet dumplings for me!" The old woman made very delicious millet dumplings, and Momotaro put them in a bag on his waist and immediately set off for Onigashima. On the way, Momotaro met a dog who asked him, "Momotaro, what's in your bag?" Momotaro replied, "The most delicious millet dumplings in Japan." "If you give me one, I'll accompany you!" The dog received a millet dumpling from Momotaro and became his friend. As Momotaro and the dog were walking, they met a monkey. "Momotaro, what's in your bag?" Momotaro replied, "The most delicious millet dumplings in Japan." "If you give me one, I'll accompany you!" The monkey received a millet dumpling and became his friend. After a while, a pheasant flew up and asked, "Momotaro, what's in your bag?" Momotaro replied, "The most delicious millet dumplings in Japan." "If you give me one, I'll accompany you!" The pheasant received a millet dumpling from Momotaro and became his friend. After a while on the boat, they saw Onigashima. "That must be Onigashima!" said the dog. When they arrived at Onigashima, there was an ogre in front of the castle. Momotaro grabbed a big stone and threw it at the ogre. The dog and monkey bit the ogre, and the pheasant poked his eyes. "I'm in trouble! Help me!" the ogre said and ran into the castle. Then many ogres came out of the castle, and finally a big ogre appeared. "You insolent boy! I'll teach you a lesson!" he said, swinging his big iron club. "Are you the leader?" Momotaro quickly jumped on the ogre and said, "You bad ogre! I can't forgive you for doing bad things to the villagers! Take my punch!" "Ouch! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Forgive me!" "Do you promise not to do bad things again?" "I promise! You can take the treasure, so please forgive me!" Momotaro got a cart full of treasure and returned to his old man and woman. Thus Momotaro lived peacefully and happily with everyone.



little red riding hood

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Little Red Riding Hood in a forest. One day, her mother said to Little Red Riding Hood, "I want you to deliver fruit and wine to Grandma. Don't make any detours, just go straight to her house." "Okay," Little Red Riding Hood replied, and set off to Grandma's house. When Little Red Riding Hood reached the forest, a wolf appeared and said, "Little Red Riding Hood, you're going to Grandma's house, right? Then you should bring her some flowers." "That's great! Grandma will be happy!" There were many flowers blooming in the forest, and while Little Red Riding Hood was detoured to pick flowers, the wolf went to Grandma's house. The wolf swallowed Grandma in one gulp and crawled into bed. When Little Red Riding Hood arrived at Grandma's house, the wolf, pretending to be Grandma, was sleeping in her bed. When Little Red Riding Hood asked, "Grandma has big ears," the wolf disguised as Grandma replied, "So that I can hear you better." "Your eyes are big too." "So that I can hear you better." "Why is your mouth so big?" "It's so that I can eat you!" The wolf swallowed Little Red Riding Hood in one go. At that moment, a hunter passed by and found her sleeping soundly in the garden of Grandma's house. "That wolf ate Grandma." The fisherman cut the wolf's stomach with scissors. First Little Red Riding Hood came out, followed by Grandma. The hunter stuffed stones into the wolf's stomach instead. When the wolf woke up, he found the wolf nearby, so he ran away in a panic. But with the stones in his stomach, he couldn't walk properly. He lost his balance and fell into the pond. Little Red Riding Hood said to her grandmother, "I won't make any more detours, or the wolf will eat me."

