







princess kaguya

Once upon a time, there lived an old man and an old woman. The old man cut bamboo, and the old woman made baskets out of bamboo. One day, when he went to the bamboo forest as usual, he found a shining bamboo. "Oh, what's with that bamboo? It's shining brightly." When he cut it, he found a baby girl inside, and the old man took her home. Since the old man and old woman had no children, he named her "Princess Kaguya" and raised her with care. From then on, every time he went to cut bamboo, the old man found money inside the bamboo and became rich. The baby grew up and became a very beautiful girl. Rumors of her beauty spread, and many men came from all over to propose to Kaguya, but Kaguya was not interested. Kaguya was always lost in thought, looking up at the sky. The old man could not ignore the man, so he decided to give Kaguya to the man who brought him the mysterious treasure. He brought many treasure chests for Princess Kaguya, but Princess Kaguya immediately saw that they were fake. Princess Kaguya looked sad every time she saw the moon. "Why do you look so sad?" the old man asked Princess Kaguya. "Actually, I came from the moon. The moon will come to take me back to the moon soon. I'm sad to say goodbye to my kind grandfather and grandmother." "What a shame!" the old man said, confused. Tomorrow was the day. The old man didn't want to let Princess Kaguya go. He hired many warriors to protect Princess Kaguya. Finally, night fell and the moon appeared. When the moon appeared, the sky shone golden. The warriors shot their arrows at the light, but when the light hit them, they lost their strength and fell asleep. An angel appeared from the light, took Princess Kaguya's hand, and rose high into the sky. Princess Kaguya rose to heaven and finally said: "Grandpa and Grandma, thank you for loving me until now. I have to go back to the moon now. Please stay healthy and well. Goodbye..."



Mermaid princess

At the bottom of the blue sea, there was a world where mermaids lived. In the world of mermaids, when you turn 15, you can go to the human world above the sea. The youngest mermaid princess was always excited when she heard the stories of the human world that her older sister had seen. "I want to turn 15 soon and see the human world!" On a moonlit night, the 15-year-old mermaid princess appeared above the sea. A ship with many lights was floating on the sea. "What a wonderful prince." The mermaid princess was enchanted by the prince. Beautiful music and laughter could be heard from the ship. Suddenly, a storm hit the ship and the prince fell into the sea. The mermaid princess rescued the prince who had fallen into the sea and carried him to the shore. "Prince! Stay strong!" The mermaid princess continued to call out to the prince. Then, a woman approached from somewhere, so the mermaid princess was surprised and hid herself. The woman embraced the prince and he came back to life. "Oh, thank you. You saved me." The prince mistook the woman in front of him for his benefactor. Then the mermaid became human and wanted to be by the prince's side. The mermaid went to the witch and asked her to make her human, and said, "Give me your beautiful voice. Your voice is known to be the most beautiful in the sea. If the prince marries someone else, you will never be able to return to being a mermaid again and will become sea foam. Are you okay with that?" The mermaid nodded. After taking the medicine, the mermaid fell into a deep sleep on the beach. When she woke up after a while, the prince was by her side, but the mermaid's voice was no longer there. "There must be some reason. Please rest in my castle for a while." The prince said, and took the mermaid to his castle and loved her like a little sister. One day, the prince said happily. "I'm going to marry the woman who saved me when I was drowning in the sea. She was the princess of the neighboring country." The little mermaid wanted to scream, "I saved you!" but she couldn't make a sound. She just laughed sadly. Finally, the prince's marriage was approaching. That night, the little mermaid's sister floated up to the sea and said, "Mermaid, I asked the witch for a knife. If you stab the prince's chest with this, you won't turn into bubbles." The little mermaid took the knife and sneaked into the room where the prince was sleeping. But the little mermaid couldn't kill the prince she loved. With tears in her eyes, the little mermaid threw the knife into the sea and jumped into the sea herself. The morning light shone into the sea. The little mermaid turned into sea foam and disappeared.



Snow White

Once upon a time, there was a queen with an ugly heart. The queen asked the mirror, "Mirror, mirror, who is the most beautiful in the world?" The mirror answered, "It is the queen." The queen loved her own beauty and looked at the mirror every day, enchanted. One day, the queen asked as usual, "Mirror, mirror, who is the most beautiful in the world?" As she waited for the mirror to say, "It is the queen," the mirror answered, "It is Snow White." The queen was Snow White's second mother. The queen was angry that she was not number one, so she asked the hunter to kill Snow White. However, the kind-hearted hunter hid Snow White deep in the forest and lied to the queen that he had killed her. Snow White ended up living with the dwarves deep in the forest. When the dwarves were at work, she cleaned and cooked meals, and they lived happily and harmoniously every day. The dwarves said, "While we are at work, no one can enter the house. The scary queen will come." The queen asked the mirror again. "Mirror, mirror, who is the most beautiful in the world?" The mirror answered, "It is Snow White who lives deep in the forest." "What?! The hunter lied to me! I will do it!" The queen disguised herself as an old woman who sells things, and took the poisoned apple and went to the depths of the mountain, far, far away. When she arrived at Snow White and the dwarves' house, the queen knocked on the door and said, "Beautiful lady, would you like a delicious apple?" Snow White opened the door and said, "Oh, what a delicious apple! I'll have one!" and ate the poisoned apple. Snow White collapsed as soon as she bit into the poisoned apple, and never woke up. The dwarfs were very sad, so they put the beautiful Snow White in a coffin, surrounded her with flowers, and let her lie in the forest so that they could at least see her whenever they wanted. After a while, the prince, walking through the forest, found Snow White. The prince said, "How beautiful she is. She looks as if she is asleep," and kissed the sleeping Snow White. Then, the poisonous apple flew out of Snow White's mouth, and Snow White woke up. Snow White asked, "Where am I?" and the prince replied, "I will always be by your side." Thus, Snow White married the prince and lived happily ever after.




Once upon a time, there was a beautiful and kind-hearted girl named Cinderella. Cinderella's mother died soon after, and her father married her new mother, but the new mother was very mean. Her step-sister was jealous of her beauty, and made Cinderella do all the housework, such as cleaning, laundry, and cooking. One day, when she heard that the prince's ball was going to be held, her step-mother and step-sister left Cinderella behind and went to the ball. Cinderella wanted to go too, but she wasn't taken, and she was sad and cried. When Cinderella was crying alone, a magician appeared in front of her and said, "Don't cry anymore, Cinderella. I'll take you to the ball." The magician said, "Get the pumpkin from the garden and the mouse from the house." When the magician hit the pumpkin, it grew bigger and bigger, and became a pumpkin carriage. The magician cast a spell on the mouse she brought, and it turned into a horse. Then Cinderella said, "I can't go in this outfit." The magician used his magic wand to quickly transform her tattered clothes into a beautiful dress. "Then wear these glass slippers," he said, and prepared glittering glass slippers to match her beautiful dress. "But be careful, the spell will wear off at 12 o'clock." Cinderella was delighted and said, "I get it! Thank you, magician!" When she arrived at the ball, the beautiful Cinderella immediately became the center of attention, and the prince also noticed her beauty and asked, "Would you like to dance with me?" "Of course, Prince." While spending a wonderful time with the prince, Cinderella forgot about the time, and before she knew it, it was approaching 12 o'clock. Cinderella remembered that the spell would wear off, and said, "Oh no! It's 12 o'clock! I have to go home now!" and ran out of the castle. The prince tried to stop Cinderella, but she disappeared in an instant. On the stairs where Cinderella had disappeared, only one beautiful glass slipper was left. The prince ordered his servants to somehow find the beautiful woman. The prince said that he would marry the woman who fit the glass slipper. One after another, the women tried to wear the glass slipper, but none of them fit perfectly. Cinderella's stepmother and stepsisters also tried to wear it, but it didn't fit at all. Then Cinderella came and asked the prince's servant, "Would you let me wear the slipper too?" When Cinderella tried on the glass slipper, it fit perfectly, as if it had been made for Cinderella. The servant said, "This is the one the prince was looking for!" and took Cinderella to the castle. Cinderella married the prince and lived happily ever after.